We continued our summer here at home with more sports camps and concluded tee-ball games for the boys. Mr. MMD coached the kids games and we celebrated the last game with my sisters watching the games. We went to our local restaurants after to celebrate. The kids also had swim classes for 4 weeks. MBP can now tread water and AHP is finally bobbing down and not screaming when water reach his face.
We tried to take advantage of everything that our local PNW weather has to offer and overall enjoyed being outside.

Let’s take a look at our spending. Last month, we spent $5,724. Another month over $5k. Let’s take a look.
Electronics – $1,082.86
Another electronics purchased for us. Mr. MMD bought a new apple iPhone. We also bought a couple of fitbit for myself and Mr. MMD.
Gym – $819.17
Mr. MMD signed up for a Hockey league. We also paid for our monthly membership for the Y.
Groceries – $786.73
This is a normal amount for a month.

Entertainment – $632
This is our staycation purchase. MBP asked to go to the Family Fun Center. I also bought season tickets at Wild Waves for next year. They are having a deal which includes free entrance for the rest of the year. I was able to meet up with my friend and her kids and we all had fun.

Restaurants – $367.53
We ate out quite a bit this month as well. This is another spending that I’m glad we are spending on.
Utilities – $332.17
Water, sewer, garbage, electric and gas. These are all the utilities for the month.
Healthcare/Medical – $296.16
This is for our health, 2 months of dental insurance and my eye insurance. I also had a doctor visit and lab work done and have to pay for co-pays.
General Merchandise – $264.69
This is a catch all for any items that I’m just too lazy to categorize. Most are from Amazon and Costco. This month, we also visited our local bookstore and got the kids some books.
Pets/Pet Care – $246.35
A bag of kibble and medications for our furbaby.
Home Maintenance – $238.7
I bought an air sensor that could detect if Radon is in the air. Apparently, radon can cause lung cancer and I’m in a “I can’t die and don’t want my kids to not have a mother” phase. It is really just for my peice of mind.
Kids Activities – $214.85
The boys are signed up for soccer this fall. I also bought the annual pictures for MBP and Campfire T-shirt.

Dues and Subscription – $102
Our Executive Costco Membership was renewed at $190 and Amazon Prime is $7.65. We did got a refund for one of the credit card that Mr. MMD closed for $95.
HOA – $84
Monthly HOA. I guess we are back on using the trails so it’s not so bad.
Gasoline / Fuel – $78.47
Gas for our Prius.
Gifts – $76.91
Gifts for 2 kids for MBP and AHP’s friends. Also, a gift for my god daughter.
Home Improvement – $27.55
Stuff from Ikea. We got knobs for the built ins, twin sheets and some container.
Education – $26
School supplies for MBP. His school doesn’t give out supply list, but asked for a fee / donation to buy for the supplies. I definitely prefer this because I do not like to shop. We don’t do back to school shopping. MBP and AHP are still using their old backpacks.
Mobile Phone – $25.26
Xfinity mobile increased their rate. This is still good for 1GB of data for 2 lines.
Clothing/ Shoes – $4.37
I got AHP some swim trunk from Goodwill.

Online Services – $2.12
Monthly payment for Google Cloud Platform to host this site.