2024 was rough, health wise. I ended the year on antibiotics and started 2025 with it as well. I caught a stomach bug just a week before Christmas and had some joint pains shortly a couple of days after. I woke up with my thumb and my wrist in pain without any trauma. I went to my PCP the day after Christmas and I was put on antibiotics. A couple of weeks later after seeing an Orthopedic, she mentioned that it is possible that it is reactive arthritis. A day later, I woke up with a jaw pain. 4 days later, I was on steroid to calm it down. It was so bad that I can’t even put a teaspoon of food in my mouth. I just completed my steroid prescription. I also changed my diet based on some research on auto-immune disease and started a Tumeric supplement.
I’m still experiencing some joint pains and do not have an official diagnosis until I see a rheumatologist in end of February. I am really hoping that this is a one time thing and not a chronic condition. Suffice to say, I had a pretty lousy mood depending on my body. What gets me the most is the mental challenges that comes with being sick. I get extremely anxious and get depressed. I’m grateful that Mr. MMD pick up all the slack and really carry me through it. He was the one who called my dentist, did the grocery on a Monday night after he coached my kids basketball game and meal prep my food. So far, today is a good day and I am really hopeful.
Now that I think of 2024, there were some rough roads, from my dry eye, 5th disease, a course of antibiotics and now this unknown diagnosis, which I’m hoping is just reactive arthritis. All of it regarding my health that I can’t control. We eat pretty healthy and I exercise. I don’t necessarily have a lot of stress, but it is hard for me to give up control. It’s hard when I can’t and that is the root cause of anxiety. I thought that 2024 will be the healthiest year ever. Turned out, it is a year with some health challenges, that really made me take a step back and accept that there are certain things that I can’t do. I can’t choose my genes and I have one body. I need to accept it, nourish it and be thankful for it.
This also made me reflect on our situation. We really are very blessed to have the time to go to Dr’s appt, take care of my body without worrying about the financial burden it may cost us. We will probably not be buying a new Tesla this year, but I’ll drive our Prius to the ground if it means that I feel good in my body. It also made me think of so many internal battles each individual faces. No one can really see it but your immediate family or worst sometimes its really just in you. I cried a lot this month. I cried in front of my parents and I am pretty sure that it was my first time crying in front of them as an adult. I cried in front of my in-laws, my husband, my kids. It was an emotional battle. I was angry and felt very discouraged. I’m sure that this will be a roller coaster emotion.

On to our financial update. In December we spent $11,996. We ended the year spending $68,880. This is $5,048 less than we spent in 2023 of $73,928. I am sure that we are going to spend at least $80k, so this is a nice surprise. Let’s take a look at our December spending.
Category | Sum of Amount |
Gifts | $5,914.39 |
Home Improvement | $1,861.85 |
Groceries | $1,288.05 |
Automotive | $862.27 |
Education | $356.00 |
Gym | $295.91 |
General Merchandise | $223.31 |
Clothing/Shoes | $220.67 |
Utilities | $204.91 |
Restaurants | $172.94 |
Gasoline/Fuel | $159.01 |
Christmas card | $103.21 |
Entertainment | $100.00 |
Pets/Pet Care | $97.43 |
HOA | $84.00 |
Personal Care | $60.50 |
Home Maintenance | $59.13 |
Kids Activities | $36.99 |
Mobile Phone | $25.32 |
Internet | $19.90 |
Dues & Subscriptions | $7.65 |
Online Services | $2.04 |
Healthcare/Medical | ($158.90) |
Total | $11,996.58 |
Gifts – $ 5,914.39
It’s the season of giving. The biggest one of course is our cash gift to my parents. I also gave an Amazon gift cards to the kids teachers. This also includes our gifts to them. Since I was sick, I basically just bought everything from Amazon. MBP got a NBA2k, Chiefs beanie and gloves and a drum. AHP got a Spot it game, Seahawks beanie and gloves and a piano. They also got more stuff from everyone else. We also did quite a bit for the holidays like going on a Polar Express and visiting Santa.

Home Improvement – $1,861.85
We finally changed our gas oven and stove to induction. It only took us 5 years before finally doing it. We got the oven from Costco and paid for a plumber to cap off our gas. I can’t believe we delayed it for so long. We got the Samsung Bespoke. It takes a bit of time to get used to the touch button but so far we are enjoying it. I also paid for the shipping of our mattress from Latex for Less. I bought this mattress a year ago and notice a sag in the middle. After about 2 months of back and forth we finally got a replacement mattress. We also got some stuff from Ikea.
Groceries – $1,288
This is really just $1,088 since I bought a $200 Visa Gift Card from Staples to be used at WINCO when we shop. WINCO don’t take credit card and I get 5 times points if I buy the Visa GC at Staples. I was already there buying the kids presents to their teachers so I just added it here. It’s fairly high but that’s ok. We don’t necessarily budget for groceries. We just buy what we want. We still buy almost exclusively a Costco and WINCO.
Automotive – $862.27
We bought 4 new tires for our Prius, in preparation for winter driving and our trip to the mountains. Unfortunately, the trip was canceled because I got sick. I actually felt better when the trip was canceled. I realized that I really don’t like the winter weather and or any winter sports. I took up skiing back in the day and never went farther than a “beginner”. I’m more city type, beach weather and good weather hiking type. I also renewed my license.
Education – $356
AHP’s preschool tuition. 6 more months and he is off to Kindergarten!
Gym – $295.91
Our YMCA membership and Mr. MMD’s hockey fee. We have been enjoying the Y membership, until recently when I got sick. I usually go 3 times a week, but have not gone since Winter break since all of us got sick. That said, we are going to continue our membership. The kids play basketball through the Y and it is a great gym. I just wish that it is a little closer to us.
General Merchandise – $223.31
Everything else that I don’t bother to look at. Mostly some orders from Amazon.
Clothing/Shoes – $220.67
I bought 2 shoes from Xero. It was on sale. One is specifically for winter. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance to use them yet. Hopefully, I’ll be back on my feet next week and I’ll be able to walk to and back from school.
Utilities – $204.91
Water, sewer and garbage. I paid our electric and gas using our rewards from our health insurance company so it is not included here.
Restaurants – $172.91
We watched the Snowflake lane and ate out at Cheesecake Factory. I made this reservation 6 weeks ahead and boy I was so glad that I did! The wait was 2 hours and I feel bad for the host as she was navigating a lot of angry customers. Snowflake Lane is very popular during the holidays. Last year, we weren’t able to eat there and have to buy a really bad and expensive Mediterranean pizza. It was definitely a better experience this year. We also had some take outs this year.
Gas – $159.01
It is gas. We probably gas up more last month since I’m going to the gym.
Christmas Card – $103.21
I did buy our photo session from Groupon again and I bought one for next year too. I printed the cards from Staples this time. I also got some stamps. I actually mailed a couple of cards outside the country too. I do like receiving cards so it is nice to also send one.
Entertainment – $100
Mr. MMD withdrew some cash to play some poker with his old roommate.
Pets/Pet Care – $97.43
Food and stuff for our furbaby. She will turn 10 this March!
HOA – $84
This will keep going up.
Home Maintenance – $59.13
Some stuff for the house. Mainly cleaning supplies
Mobile Phone – $25.32
We are still using 2 lines of Xfinity Mobile and used 1 GB this month
Internet – $19.9
This is for 2 months worth of internet
Dues and Subscription – $7.65
Amazon Prime Subscription
Online Services – $2.04
Google Cloud Platform fees for hosting this site.
Healthcare / Medical – ($158.93)
This is a credit because I got an email from Prenuvo during Black Friday that they are having a $400 discount. I already have my MRI scheduled but I called and they gave me the credit. The rest are for our Health Insurance, doctor and PT visit and some prescriptions and supplements.
This wraps up our 2024. Overall our top 3 spending for the year are groceries, healthcare and gifts. Apparently, this shows our priority in life. I think healthcare will increase this year as I’m thinking of seeing a functional doctor in Seattle. I already had my first call. The initial labwork is not bad at $299, including a 40 minute call with my doctor to review results. However, the plan after that will not be cheap and I do expect this line item to increase. That said, health is my priority this year and will gladly pay for this if it makes a difference in how I feel.